- Modern times
- In 1868 vines
were invaded by terrible parasites from the new world. The Phylloxera
Vastatrix and Plasmopara Viticola arrived in Europe through the
importation of American vines. These parasites caused a revolution
in vineculture practice because it was no longer possible to apply
the time-worn rules handed down from father to son.
- Vineculture
now had to base itself in biological science, physics and chemistry,
otherwise the vines would succumb to the attack of the new microscopic
and implacable enemies.

Ciro's vineyards
were uprooted and replanted using root cuttings imported from
America that were resistant to the parasitic invasion. Subsequently
these vines were grafted with the Gaglioppo or Greco Bianco
grape varieties.
- The first
bottled Ciro'
- By the late
1800's bottled Ciro' d.o.c wine began to be distributed in small
quantities by the few noble families in the area.
Many travellers passing through Calabria began to write in their
journals about the fine qualities Ciro' wines possessed.